Its been a week. Trenton is a great baby. We had some small bumps with nursing and the nights are still long but he is mostly happy and content. My mom stayed for a week. Now that she is gone my house is destined to become a disaster and Jeffrey and Sammy may feel slightly neglected. We'll see how I handle things alone!
Trenton's first bath at home, they never like it.
I know this isn't of Trenton, but this is what we are doing this summer besides having a new baby. Jeffrey is playing T-ball and enjoying it. He had his first game last Saturday. All the boys get a chance to bat, there are no outs so they all run around the bases. Jeffrey also got to play 1st base and 2nd base. When he played in the field he would pat the runners on the back and talk to them. He said he told them about his new fish he'd just gotten before the game.
Monday, June 15, 2009
More of Trenton
Posted by Steph Kjelstrom at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Trenton Allan Kjelstrom-June 6, 2009
Trenton has come, and early too-hurray!! He was born at 6:21am on June 6th weighing 5lbs, 10oz and 19in long. By far my smallest baby-he's a peanut. So far he has been so sweet and Jeffrey and Sammy are thrilled to have a new baby brother. OK, for documentation sake here is the labor story. I had some contractions Friday night around 9:30pm but they felt like braxton hicks so I didn't pay much attention. We went to bed and I slept fine until 1am when I woke up because of a contraction. This one radiated to my back so I knew it might be the real deal. I got up and they kept coming, 5 min apart. (I think labor and kids throwing up always happen in the middle of the night-why!?) At 2am we dropped the kids off at a neighbors house and headed downtown to St. Joseph's hospital. I was admitted easily. They had to give me fluids before I could get an epidural because I was dehydrated. But I did finally get the epidural. My nurse was watching the heart monitor very closely-and she didn't say anything but I knew something was bothering her because I could hear that Trenton's heart rate kept going down with each contraction. At one point the heart rate disappeared. So nurses and doctors ran into the room. They got a heart monitor on Trenton's head and the doctor was saying to notify anesthesia because we might have to do an emergency c-section. This was very frightening for John and I. But they got me on my side and Trenton's heart rate came back. About 30 minutes later I had some big contractions and his heart rate again dropped. The doctor checked me and I was at 10 cm. She said I had to get the baby out-and I did. I pushed him out in about 5 minutes. Good thing he was little! Turned out that the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice causing the drops in heart rate. We are so glad everything turned out fine and he's a healthy guy.
Ok, this is the funniest picture!! Welcome to the world Trenton!
Posted by Steph Kjelstrom at 6:16 PM 9 comments