Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Times Have Changed

Sammy has recently been "painting" on the computer. He has learned to use the mouse, clicking on the colors he wants, holding the button down a bit to paint. I took this picture the other day after thinking how amazing it is that a 2 year old is using a computer! I wonder what technologies will be available when he is my age? (you can also see he was eating Halloween candy. I am posting this pic knowing full well I'm also exposing my dirty desk-somehow I never get around to cleaning it!)


Frozen Cacti said...

If it makes you feel any better, my desk is about five times worse. But in my defense it is the only room that I don't keep organized....not sure why.

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

It is crazy how fast things change! It makes me feel old to think about the days of record players and tapes.

Dizzy Kate said...

Technology is crazy. I remember the first time I saw a computer and it could only do a few things. I was in fifth grade. I was too scared to even go near the thing, which cracks me up now. I never even got on a computer until I was in high school. It's so nuts how we can't live without all our gadgets now. BTW, your desk looks great. I don't dare take a picture of mine.