Sunday, June 29, 2008


This weekend I took a short trip by myself to Portland and Vancouver to be present at my cousin Afton's wedding. Wow! Portland is gorgeous-so green! I just love greeness. I spent time with my mom, Aunt Kathy, Macki and her husband Rusty. Rusty served his mission in Eugene and LOVES Oregon so he was our tour guide. In a few short hours we went to see some waterfalls, went to the Portland Saturday Market downtown, and visited a rose garden. My brother Brent and his wife Nicole met us at the market for lunch and then we saw them later that evening for the wedding. The wedding was a happy, fun occasion-Kathy, Macki, and I cut some serious rug at the reception-the good ol' electric slide.

The Multnomah Falls- about 600 feet of falling water, 30 miles up the Columbia River from Portland. Pictured from left is Aunt Kathy, my cousin Macki, mom, and me.

My Mum and Me

My brother Brent, his wife Nicole and myself chilling at the wedding reception. Nicole is eating and Brent just looks like that permanently. (Sorry guys, the other photo we took was blurry, this ones funnier anyways).

Mom and Aunt Kathy-almost twins

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My First Tri

Saturday I raced in my first triathlon. It was a sprint tri, 500 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run. I loved it. I loved training for it because it was different everyday, not just running. I broke my personal goal by 4 minutes and I was happy to finish but then after I got my times back I kept thinking about how I can be faster-first on the list is not using a mountain bike among road racers, MBs are too slow on the road. Secondly I need to figure out how not to be nervous before the race (is that possible?) so I can breathe during the swim portion. I enjoyed swimming in training, but racing with 4 people in your lane, getting water in your mouth, having no breathing or stroke rhythm is NOT fun! I was so happy to get out of the pool and onto my bike. Well, I'm hooked and will probably do another one in July then wait it out till next summer.